HCEF Concluded a Symposium on Sharing Jerusalem With Two People and Three Faiths.
The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF), in cooperation with the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS) in Amman, Jordan and the El Hassan Center for Jerusalem Studies in Jerusalem, held a virtual symposium on April 11, 2021. The symposium, with its theme, “What Jerusalem Means to Us: Perspectives and
HCEF launched a Coronavirus vaccination campaign for Senior Citizens.
The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) launched a vaccination campaign at their Birzeit Senior Citizen Center (BSCC) in cooperation with the Birzeit Women’s Charitable Society. It was carried out in coordination and with the guidance of the Palestinian Ministry of Health; the support and follow-up of Minister Mai Al-Kaila
What Jerusalem Means to Us: Perspectives and Reflections’ Symposium.
Program Jerusalem is unique among the cities of the world. Its distinctiveness stems from its holiness and universal character. This symposium, organized to highlight the book launching of What Jerusalem Means to Us: Muslim Perspectives and Reflections (2021) https://tinyurl.com/y38kckzj, which is a beautiful complement to What Jerusalem Means to Us:
What Jerusalem Means to Us: Muslim Perspectives and Reflections. Book Order.
A special book, forthcoming in February 2021 A Publication of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) in partnership with the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jerusalem, viewed by many as the ultimate religious battleground, has itself always wanted to be
HCEF Provides Flu Shots to the Senior Citizens of Birzeit.
In order to maintain the good health of the Birzeit community, HCEF provided senior citizens flu shots. This essential service is done on an annual basis in partnership with the Birzeit Health Clinic. Given the challenge of COVID-19, it was carried out within the protocols of the Palestinian Ministry of
HCEF has distributed Christmas gifts to the elders.
HCEF has distributed Christmas gifts to the elders by visiting them at their homes Due to CVID-19 and the resultant suffering in Palestine for almost a year, HCEF has decided to distribute Christmas gifts to the elderly by visiting them at their homes in the interest of their safety and
HCEF Christmas Appeal “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” Luke 2:14
Dear Brothers and Sisters! December 25, 2020 When the three wise men heard the good news of the birth of
HCEF and National Presbyterian Church distributed 200 food and medical packages in the Palestinian towns of Al-Taybe, Jiffna, Jenin and Birzeit.
The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF), in partnership with the National Presbyterian Church (NPC) of Washington, DC, have distributed packages of food and medical supplies to 200 needy families in the Palestinian towns of Al-Taybe, Jiffna, Jenin and Birzeit twice since last March, when the quickly spreading coronavirus effectively
Dear Friends, PLEASE PUT YOUR FAITH INTO ACTION The explosion in Beirut is likely the largest non-atomic explosion in a populated area in history. Hospitals in Beirut that were already at capacity because of the coronavirus have been irreparably damaged or destroyed. 300,000 people became homeless
Interfaith Prayer for COVID-19 Victims and Heroes.
The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation & Coalitaion of the Palestinian American Organizations Invite you to join an Interfaith Prayer for COVID-19 Victims and Heroes When: Saturday, May 16, 2020 Time: 11:00am EST, 8:00am PST, Jerusalem 6:00 pm Register in advance to participate in
HCEF distribuyó cajas de alimentos a 100 familias necesitadas afectadas por la crisis COVID -19 en Ramallah, Jifna, Atara y Birzeit.
COVID -19 ha afectado a todo el mundo, y nuestra amada Tierra Santa no se ha salvado. De hecho, nuestra gente ha sido la más afectada. Ciudades enteras están en cuarentena y nadie puede abandonar sus hogares. Tal situación es una catástrofe para todos, espiritual, moral y financieramente.
HCEF distributed food boxes to 100 needy families afflicted by the COVID -19 crisis in Ramallah, Jifna, Atara, and Birzeit.
COVID -19 has affected the whole world, and our beloved Holy Land has not been spared. In fact, our people have been hit the hardest. Entire towns are under quarantine, and no one can leave their homes. Such a situation is a catastrophe for
Ramadan Kareem!
From all of us here at Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, we wish all a joyous, peaceful month. May Ramadan inspire you and provide you with the strength to overcoming the coronavirus pandemic. Ramadan Kareem! في هذا الشهر المبارك، نود أن ندعو للجميع شهر رمضان مبارك وندعو الله ان يحل
Un mensaje para mis hermanos y hermanas cristianos estadounidenses quienes apoyan el “Acuerdo del siglo”
Un mensaje para mis hermanos y hermanas cristianos estadounidenses quienes apoyan el "Acuerdo del siglo" Por un cristiano palestino estadounidense Sir Rateb Rabie, KCHS, presidente y CEO de Holy Land Christian Ecuménico Foundation (HCEF) La semana pasada, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, y el primer
A Message to my American Christian Brother and Sisters who support the “Deal of the Century”
A Message to my American Christian Brother and Sisters who support the “Deal of the Century” By a Palestinian American Christian Sir Rateb Rabie, KCHS, president and CEO of Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) Last week U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu jointly